“Shorey Walker as Reno Sweeney is one of the most vivacious, effervescent personalities I’ve seen in years. Triple-threat talents as actress, singer and dancer make her the most dazzling light on the stage– I could not take my eyes off her. Her energy and absolutely electric spirit demand attention, and she is right on target at every moment. She has subtle command of her world, and we want to be a part of it.”
~ Anything Goes, Regional Theatre, Fireside Theatre
“Walker’s ability to play a wide range of roles had the audience laughing as soon as each new character entered and she never disappointed.”
~ The Thing About Men, Regional Theatre, Mason Street Warehouse
“Shorey Walker as Dorothy, hides her sadness under a wisecracking, good-old-girl exterior.”
~ Eye of God, Off-Broadway, Theatre Row
“Sebastian Arcelus and Shorey Walker as Caligula’s parents make strong impressions.”
~ Caligula, NYMTF
“Walker is absolutely hilarious, showcasing her own talent for physical comedy even as she shows us that Carnelle has no talent at all.”
~ The Miss Firecracker Contest, Regional Theatre, Iowa
“Walker has the heat and spice of McIlhenny-brand Tabasco sauce. Far from being a mere supporting player, Walker’s Anita has the most range. You can’t take your eyes off her.”
~ West Side Story, Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, New York
“Shorey Walker as the in-denial Soap Star prances and preens, living up to the billing as ‘the hilarious celebration of women and the change.”
~ Menopause, The Musical, Port Washington, Long Island